Friday, August 1, 2008

A Looong Overdue Post

Yes, I feel rather bad about not updating for the past two months. I intended to post something in July just so I would have a post every month, but August crept up on me faster than I realized. It could be because we have been a little busy. ;) To refresh my memory of the past two months, I'll have to flip back through the calendar...

June 10 - My 23rd birthday. Just a relaxing day at home with my sweetie. (Andrew gave me a digital piano for my birthday! Yay!)

June 12 - I went hiking at Horsetail Falls with some friends. (Pictures) Andrew had to work that day, so that's why he isn't in any of the pictures. :(

June 14 - We went to a small pre-graduation ceremony for Brian in Corvallis, then went out to eat with family.

June 15 - Brian's formal college graduation ceremony. (Pictures) It was a long, hot event, but we were happy to be there.

June 20 - Every month a different HSAer in the area hosts a Game Night. A bunch of HSAers get together, eat, play games, dance and talk. This evening it was at my friend Charlyn's house and we had a great time.

June 28 - The Summer Ball. (Pictures)

July 4 & 5 - We participated in the Willamette Mission Civil War reenactment. (Pictures) It was fun to dress up and see so many other people also dressed in Civil War era clothes. I loved seeing Andrew play with the Fife & Drum Corps. He's so handsome in uniform. ;)

July 7 - Dance practice with a few friends so they could learn a difficult dance.

July 10 - Brian and I drove to Portland to meet two friends, Jess and Jaime. (Picture) It was a fun afternoon. :)

July 14 - Dance practice again.

July 18 & 19 - To celebrate Dad Plett's birthday, we all went to Portland's Highland Games. (Pictures) It was cool to see so much of the Scottish tradition and discover that I have Scottish ancestry.

July 21 - Dance practice.

July 26 - Game Night in Vancouver, Washington. We met some new friends and had a blast playing Four-on-a-Couch and Nertz. I laughed so hard.

And I think that brings us to the present. :) There were lots of other things going on in that time too, but they were the kind of stuff you don't write on the calendar. It's been a busy couple months and August looks like it'll be the same, but life is good and we're happy. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one very busy summer! :)